Thursday, July 25, 2013


This is a three-level single-player and co-op campaign. The premise is you have been held captive as a test subject in a biological weapon research lab. A power failure has allowed a mutagen, code-named ZMB-13 (get it?), to leak into the lab and everyone is now zombies. Amazingly, your air filtration unit spared you. Imagine that. Now you must make your way to the surface to find whatever rescue awaits.

Thematically you go from a hospital/office environment to the underbelly of the facility with all the pipes and grime to the labs where the real dangerous stuff is developed, finally emerging onto the surface, which I kind of based on nuclear power plants..


Full playthrough of a previous version (there are some bugs in there but don't worry; they got fixed):

Level 1: Barracks

Level 2: Labs

Level 3: Surface

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