Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Progress Pics

Maybe.... like, 70% done? Hard to say.

Doesn't look tooo different. The macro structure is basically the same but there are building modifications as well as new perimeter buildings and lots of little details.

Like.... wider streets with sidewalks. Like you knew how wide they were to begin with.

The destroyed building got a destroyed friend. It would have been weird to have only one destroyed building with no collateral damage. How that wall in the middle survived I don't know.

A long street with house fronts. It's a bit open. I should probably break it up with something. Maybe a UFO crash.

My B building (it's the SD B target but there's also a dom flag in there) got a face. Oh, and I made a minaret. And I'll make a few more. This is "the city of mosques," after all. Although I wouldn't be surprised if every city over there was called "the city of mosques."

Inside, the objective. You can see the building has been the victim of a rather reckless game of Wii Tennis. Always allow adequate room around you during game play, people!

View into the B building from the offense's house next door.

Opposite view from the defense side.

New building on the corner.

It has a big hole in it.

Kind of the same shot, I guess, but with a bit more alley. And more power lines. Gotta have power lines.

Some interior work. Not exciting.

I told you.

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