Monday, September 16, 2013


This is a multiplayer map for Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare set in the Iraqi city of Fallujah. In the early months of the Iraq war, Fallujah became something of a home base for the insurgent networks in the country. Prompted by the public desecration and hanging of four military contractors in March, 2004, coalition forces staged a large operation that November to clear the city of insurgents. For over two weeks, the combat went house to house and road to road as every building was methodically cleared, starting at the north edge of the city and pushing southward. Fallujah is flat, with long, straight roads set on a fairly rigid grid. Most houses are brown plaster and brick set on thick cement slabs, two stories with high walls surrounding the second-story patios, the roofs, and the houses themselves.  My design was influenced by the roof-to-roof firefights and movement and the slow, methodical house-clearing that characterized the battle. All stock gametypes are supported.


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